Mark your calendar for the 2023 Arts in Strongsville Chalk Walk. This FUN, FREE family event will be held on May 20, 2023. Kids can begin their chalk masterpieces starting at 10 AM at Strongsville Commons (intersection of Routes 42 & 82). All registration will be on-site beginning at 9:30 AM. Chalk will be provided.

In case of inclement weather, the event will be cancelled.
There will be 7 age categories and cash prizes will be awarded for 1st, 2nd and 3rd place in each category. Children ages 5 through High School are encouraged to participate. Children from any local community are welcome to participate.
Judging will start at noon and winners will be announced after the judging is final.
Chalk will be provided. You are welcome to bring your own chalk, as long as it is washable with water and will not stain the sidewalks. PLEASE NOTE: No words, pictures or symbols of any vulgar nature will be permitted in works of art.
- Artwork is to be done only by children that have registered. Parents may coach or discuss artwork with children, but cannot assist in creating the artwork.
- Each child will be judged on only one entry.
- All artwork is to be done at the event. Sketchbooks, pictures, plans, etc. are permitted to help provide ideas and guidance.
- Children may come and go throughout the event. All artwork must be completed by noon.
- Judging will take place starting at noon. Awards will be announced after judging is complete. Winners need not be present.