The sidewalks of the Strongsville Commons become the canvas for young chalk artists on a Saturday in May. All ages are encouraged to create chalk art. Chalk is provided.
Everyone is welcome to attend the event, whether or not you live in Strongsville.
2024 Chalk Walk
Mark your calendars for the 2024 Arts in Strongsville Chalk Walk! This FUN, FREE family event will be held on Saturday, May 11, 2024. Kids can begin their chalk masterpieces starting at 10 AM at Strongsville Commons (intersection of Routes 42 & 82). First 25 to register receive a coupon for a free Dairy Queen treat. Thank you to Strongsville Dairy Queen for their support.
2023 Chalk Walk
2023 Chalk Walk Rained Out
The Arts In Strongsville’s Chalk Walk event planned for today (Saturday • May 20) has unfortunately been rained out! It’s been raining for several hours overnight. The ground is pretty soaked. The rain is expected to continue. The sun won’t come out til later this afternoon. The pavement won’t be dry for several hours.
Even though the rain has cancelled the event, we invite you to chalk on your own (in your driveway, sidewalks, wherever!) and post your chalk masterpieces to our Facebook page – just search for Arts In Strongsville. We hope to see you in 2024 for this free, fun family event. Stay dry, Strongsville!

11th Annual Chalk Walk
Mark your calendar for the 2023 Arts in Strongsville Chalk Walk. This FUN, FREE family event will be held on May 20, 2023. Kids can begin their chalk masterpieces starting at 10 AM at Strongsville Commons (intersection of Routes 42 & 82). All registration will be on-site beginning at 9:30 AM. Chalk will be provided.

In case of inclement weather, the event will be cancelled.
There will be 7 age categories and cash prizes will be awarded for 1st, 2nd and 3rd place in each category. Children ages 5 through High School are encouraged to participate. Children from any local community are welcome to participate.
Judging will start at noon and winners will be announced after the judging is final.
Chalk will be provided. You are welcome to bring your own chalk, as long as it is washable with water and will not stain the sidewalks. PLEASE NOTE: No words, pictures or symbols of any vulgar nature will be permitted in works of art.
- Artwork is to be done only by children that have registered. Parents may coach or discuss artwork with children, but cannot assist in creating the artwork.
- Each child will be judged on only one entry.
- All artwork is to be done at the event. Sketchbooks, pictures, plans, etc. are permitted to help provide ideas and guidance.
- Children may come and go throughout the event. All artwork must be completed by noon.
- Judging will take place starting at noon. Awards will be announced after judging is complete. Winners need not be present.
2018 Chalk Walk
8th Annual Chalk Walk

All are welcome to join us at our 8th Annual Chalk Walk to be held on May 19, 2018 from 10 AM to 1:00 PM at the Strongsville Commons which is at the corner of Rt. 82 (Royalton Rd) and the corner of Rt. 42 (Pearl Rd).
In case of inclement weather the event will be cancelled. There will be 7 categories that will be judged for prizes and ribbons and there will be three winners in each category. Children ages 5 to High School Seniors are able to participate from any community. Chalk Walk forms can be picked up at the Strongsville Spirit Shop inside the Strongsville Recreation Center. M-F 9:30am-8:00pm and Saturday 9:30am-4:30pm. Applications are also in the Strongsville Recreation Center’s main lobby area during normal business hours. The forms can be found where all information is kept on the wall across from the front doors of the recreation center.
Pre-Registration is encouraged and will ensure a spot for your child at this event. Registration will be available on the day of the event if room permits.
Click here to download a Chalk Walk Registration Form.
Click here to view/print the Chalk Walk Rules.

2016 Chalk Walk
Art & Chalk Walk 2016

The 6th annual Art & Chalk Walk will be held on Saturday May 21, 2016, at the Strongsville Commons. It is located at the corner of Rt. 82 and Rt. 42. It will be held inside the Strongsville Recreation Center if there is inclement weather that would prevent us from working outside. The Art and Chalk Walk will be held from 9:00 AM to 2:00 PM. All those that participate will need to be done with their drawings by 1:30 PM for judging. Cash prizes will be awarded to our first, second and third place winners in each category.
Chalk is provided to all that are participating in the Chalk Walk portion of the Art and Chalk Walk. Anyone is welcome to bring their own chalk provided that it is washable with water and will not stain the sidewalk. Anyone can leave and come back to finish a picture, provided that they are finished by the 1:30 PM deadline. Parents must be present with all elementary school age children during the event. Chalkers can not participate in the judging if they are older then 18.
Artists that would like to participate in the Art portion of the Art and Chalk Walk are welcome to do so provided they send in an Artist Application. Artists must be 18 or older. Artists are responsible for their own supplies and surface to create their work of art. A chair and easel under a tent will be provided to all artists. Anyone wanting to donate their picture to charitable causes specific to the Arts in Strongsville are asked to provide an artist bio. Cash prizes will be awarded to our first, second and third place winners.
2015 Chalk Walk
Art & Chalk Walk 2015

The 5th annual Art & Chalk Walk will be held on Saturday May 16, 2015, at the Strongsville Commons. It is located at the corner of Rt. 82 and Rt. 42. It will be held inside the Strongsville Recreation Center if there is inclement weather that would prevent us from working outside. The Art and Chalk Walk will be held from 9:00 AM to 2:00 PM. All those that participate will need to be done with their drawings by 1:30 PM for judging. Cash prizes will be awarded to our first, second and third place winners in each category.
Chalk is provided to all that are participating in the Chalk Walk portion of the Art and Chalk Walk. Anyone is welcome to bring their own chalk provided that it is washable with water and will not stain the sidewalk. Anyone can leave and come back to finish a picture, provided that they are finished by the 1:30 PM deadline. Parents must be present with all elementary school age children during the event. Chalkers can not participate in the judging if they are older then 18.
Artists that would like to participate in the Art portion of the Art and Chalk Walk are welcome to do so provided they send in an Artist Application. Artists must be 18 or older. Artists are responsible for their own supplies and surface to create their work of art. A chair and easel under a tent will be provided to all artists. Anyone wanting to donate their picture to charitable causes specific to the Arts in Strongsville are asked to provide an artist bio. Cash prizes will be awarded to our first, second and third place winners.
2014 Chalk Walk
Art & Chalk Walk 2014

Please join us for the 4th Annual Art & Chalk Walk on Saturday May 17, 2014, rain or shine at the Strongsville Commons at Routes 82 & 42 in Strongsvillle Ohio. It will be held from 9:00 AM until 2:00 PM. To participate and to be judged in the event you must be between the ages of 5-18, and in school. Cash prizes will be awarded in each category for 1st, 2nd and 3rd place. Those persons that are 18 and over may participate as an artist and paint during this event. Cash prizes will be also awarded to the top three artists. An easel and chair under a tent will be provided for you. Be sure to reserve a spot by May 3rd, 2014 to ensure your participation in the program. We will accept walk up registrations if there are any spots still available for chalkers.
Download Application for Artists or Chalkers
2013 Chalk Walk
2013 Chalk Walk Winners

See the winners of the 2013 Art & Chalk Walk held the third Saturday of May every year.
2013 Call for Artists Art & Chalk Walk
Artists are welcome to come May 18th 2013 to create works of art on the Strongsville Commons.
Download application forms here.